Landfill Cover,Odor Control foam

              Landfill Cover,Odor Control foam

Recent News November, 2013

1. Allied Foam Tech has been awarded by USCA as the best chemical machinery & equipment manufacturer in Montgomeryville, Pennsylvania in 2009-2011 and 2013.

2. October, 2013- Our innovation (click here for details) on "Wood-like Flexible Cementitious Foam" is being considered for the 2014 Edison Award for Material Science.

odor control foam, landdfill foam cover,waste encapsulation,waste immobilization,leachate treatment odor control foam, landdfill foam cover,waste encapsulation,waste immobilization,leachate treatment odor control foam, landdfill foam cover,waste encapsulation,waste immobilization,leachate treatment odor control foam, landdfill foam cover,waste encapsulation,waste immobilization,leachate treatment
Chemical Manufacturing Medium Size AFT-G6 Foamer Internal Foam Testing Training Contractors at Field

 Aqueous Foam for Waste Remediation, Landfill Cover and Odor/Dust Control

   Pervious & Non-pervious Foamed Cement for Waste Encapsulation, Immobilization,  Soil Stabilization and Leachate Filtration

Allied standard AFT-400 and long duration AFT-500 foams can be used as daily or long term landfill cover or for site remediation to suppress odor, dust, litter and vectors. Foam saves valuable landfill space that is lost with soil cover. Each time when new trash is dumped on top of the foam cover, the foam is crushed, and the space taken up by the foam is reclaimed. Allied aqueous foam can be spray-applied to steep slopes without running. The foam dries to a uniform consistency while still maintaining its foam structure.

 Special Features of Allied Standard AFT-400 Foam:
. Foam dries to a tarp-like structure that easily lasts over the weekends and holidays.
. Foam cost at as little as < USD 0.1 per square foot.

. Some features of Allied compact foam generator AFT-G6 and accessories:

A. Complete setup can be easily mounted on a medium size truck.
B. The foam generator can be operated with a 4-5 kilowatt electric  generator and a portable air compressor  at as little as ~ 14 SCFM.
C. Foam coverage at a rate of 5,000 - 10,000 square feet per hour

The following picture show an Allied AFT-500 long duration foam that has been stored/dried for almost two years. Unlike the conventional landfill foams that either disappear within days or collapse into a thin film, Allied long duration foam not only maintains its foam texture after drying, the tough and water-resistant skin provides long-term weathering characteristics after a single application

**If you are a landfill operator or have an odor control or remediation project to deal with, we will be more than happy to provide you with a foam sample for your evaluation**




Open & Closed Pore Foam Cement for Controlled Low Density Leachate Treatment & Soil Stabilization

* Click here for Allied Foam Cement Technology

* Click here for Allied Pervious Foam Cement

Permeable Foam Cement for Leachate Filtration & Purification

Click here for QuickTime PerviousFoam in Action Nov., 2014

Open Pored Cement Foam for Leachate Filtration Picture of Open Pored Cement Foam
leachate treatment,waste encapsulation,waste immobilization leachate treatment,waste encapsulation,waste immobilization
Closed Pore Foam Cement for Waste Encapsulation, Stabilization & Immobiliization
leachate treatment,waste encapsulation,waste immobilization

           Waste Encapsulation & Immobization in Foamed Cement - Adjustable to the Density as the Low density Soil at Site

Soil Stabilization with Foamed Cement Assures Long Term Durability without Deformation, Shrinkage

The synergistic interaction between Allied foam & bentonite clay can be ideal for binding organics in the leachate

waste encapsulation, waste immobilization, leachate treatment

waste encapsulation, waste immobilization, leachate treatment waste encapsulation, waste immobilization, leachate treatment

Allied chemically engineered open and closed pore properties within their cell structure are very similar to that of urethane and polystyrene foams, but without their associated poor fire resistance, yet with outdoor durability and great cost advantage. Allied closed pore cement  
foams are very water resistant - ideal for waste encapsulation. The open pore cement foam is ideal for leachate filtration.  



Daily Cover for Landfills
 Allied AFT-500 foam cover is very durable against weather conditions. The following pictures show that Allied foam cover is very long-lasting.  Allied long duration AFT-500 foam cover maintained good integrity for days to weeks after its application at a municipal landfill site. 
Due to its unusual foam stability, Allied's AFT-500 foam can be applied at as thin as 1" and still maintain foam integrity for days. Such effective use of foam allows very compact foam generators and feeding tanks to be used. In a recent case such compactness essentially allowed one of our clients to mount the whole foam setup on a flatbed and perform effective daily cover for their landfill over a wide area within a short time.

odor control foam, landdfill foam cover,waste encapsulation, waste immobilization, leachate treatment
Landfill Before Foam Application


Landfill foam Cover,Odor Control foam,waste encapsulation, waste immobilization, leachate treatment
Landfill covered with Allied Foam AFT-500 
(> 1 week after application)

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Hazardous Site Remediation - Odor Control, Waste Imobilization, Removal & Transportation

Allied long lasting foam is very effective in controlling odors and VOC. Allied foams can be used in environmental clean-up projects that involve the remediation of contaminated sites through excavation and removal of sludge, dusty materials, soils and other industrial waste products. Two recent cases in Pennsylvania involving odor control - Our client could operate Allied foam generator at a safe distance from the excavation spot and still maintained an effective foam coverage and odor control from a spray tube/nozzle assembly (see pictures below).
odor control foam, landdfill foam cover,waste encapsulation, waste immobilization, leachate treatment odor control foam, landdfill foam cover,waste encapsulation, waste immobilization, leachate treatment
Odor Control Spray - Pa Site 1 Odor Control Spray - Pa Site 2
Landfill Cover,Odor Control foam,waste encapsulation, waste immobilization, leachate treatment Landfill Cover,Odor Control foam,waste encapsulation, waste immobilization, leachate treatment
Highly sloped hazardous waste site before foam cover After application with Allied's product

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Pond, Lagoon Odor Control
In many industrial areas, odors and noxious vapors emitted from open effluent ponds and lagoons can create a variety of environmental issues. Allied long-lasting foams applied directly on the surface will control such odors and vapors effectively.
            foam remained intact                                  foam has completely dissolved in water 
odor control foam, landdfill foam cover,waste encapsulation, waste immobilization, leachate treatment odor control foam, landdfill foam cover,waste encapsulation, waste immobilization, leachate treatment
Water pond 4 days after spray coverage Allied AFT-500 Foam   Water pond 4 days after spray coverage other commercial foam  


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